Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Committee Chair

Sharon Starr


The purpose of this study was to explore factors that influence decisions concerning breastfeeding in a group of 30 mothers who are employed, place their children in a childcare center, and whose children are five years of age and under. The study utilized Fishbein and Ajzen’s Theory of Reasoned Action as the conceptual framework. The descriptive study allowed for determination of the factors of attitudes, beliefs, and opinions that influence mothers’ decisions concerning breastfeeding. Statistical data compiled from survey results revealed many participants believed that breast milk is less expensive than formula. However, a significant number of mothers were neutral concerning the health benefits of breast milk. The convenience sample used for this research study indicated mothers did not fully understand the benefits of breastfeeding. This study exposed lack of knowledge of mothers concerning breastfeeding and identified various factors that influenced mothers’ decisions in infant feeding. By identifying factors that influence mothers’ decisions about breastfeeding, healthcare providers may develop an action plan to effectively educate mothers concerning the benefits of breastfeeding.

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