Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Committee Chair

Candice Rome


Study groups formed independently by students outside the classroom environment have been reported to provide some positive assistance to the learning process. This study was conducted to define the frequency that students use such study groups, to establish any relationship between using study groups and academic outcome, and to identify any themes common to the participants when describing their perceptions and experiences with study groups. The study utilized a previously-published survey tool acquired from the public domain. Forty-five ADN students enrolled at a private, Christian university participated in this study. Sample mean age of participants was 25.7 years of age. No significant relationship was found between academic performance on exams and use of study groups outside the classroom. However, study groups were being utilized by the majority of participants, who also reported a desire to receive instructions on how to develop and utilize study groups productively.

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