Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Committee Chair

Cheryl Duffus

Committee Co=Chair (if applicable)

Perry Hildreth


We can know the facts and details of the Shoah from history books and official records, but if we go no further than this, we cannot get the full picture. To truly glimpse what happened in the camps, we must turn to the accounts of survivors, of those who experienced and lived those facts and details. To truly look the Shoah in the face, we must look into the faces of these survivors.

It is for this reason, then, that when I began to dig deeper into theodicy studies, I turned simultaneously to Shoah survival narratives. Those who have suffered beyond what can be imagined can best teach us how to respond to such suffering--that in light of such deep suffering, the academic enterprise of justifying and explaining the existence of evil should not take top priority. Rather, what is most important is to stand in solidarity with those who suffer, providing a compassionate caring for them and working to eliminate the sources of evil from this world.

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