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The 1993 meeting of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association met at Westview Baptist Church and Putnam Memorial Baptist Church in Shelby, NC. The minutes are dedicated to the memory of Rev. Aaron C. Phipps, Robert Bruce Wilson, and Marlow Arthur Stroup. A lectureship at Gardner-Webb University was founded in honor of former Director of Missions, Rev. C.O. Greene. Dr. Sam James, Vice-President of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa for the Foreign Mission Board, was a guest speaker. The first project of a partnership with the Greater Rochester Baptist Association in Rochester, New York was held in July.


Kings Mountain Baptist Association


Shelby, NC


NC Baptists, Baptist History, Westview Baptist Church, Putnam Memorial Baptist Church, Rev. Aaron C. Phipps, Robert Bruce Wilson, Marlow Arthur Stroup, Rev. C.O. Greene, Gardner-Webb University, Dr. Sam James, Greater Rochester Baptist Association


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1993 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association
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