Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type

Project – Full Written

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Tina Lewis


Objective: To implement weekly one-on-one touch bases between nursing leaders, such as managers and directors, with newly hired, new graduate nurses, up to 1 year after graduation to improve retention of those employees. The intent is to improve retention from a baseline of 23% in 2022.

Results: 35.8% of the newly hired nurses plan to remain in their current role for the next 2-3 years.

Conclusions: Almost 55% said that they strongly agreed with the touch base contributing to development/growth. This was the lowest scoring question and the most concerning related to retention. An overwhelming majority felt engaged and involved in their current role. Interestingly only 54% felt welcomed and inclusive, so engagement and involvement don’t necessarily suggest they have a sense of belonging. Feeling successful was also not a concern, as 67.9% strongly agreed that they were indeed successful in their current role. Of note, all participants either strongly agreed or agreed that they had a good relationship with their leader.

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