Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type

Project – Full Written

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Tracy Arnold


The literature shows a strong correlation between education on organ donation and increased organ donation registration. Society has depicted a description of organ donation that is hostile and untrue. Increasing organ donation registration with knowledge sets the foundation of a grassroots movement to increase understanding and change society’s viewpoint(s) on organ donation. An education session on organ donation was developed and presented to the targeted population of 18–24-year-old students at a university in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. The focal point of the presentation was to dispel myths, educate on facts, and create a better understanding of organ donation at its foundational level. A pretest-post-posttest survey was developed by the DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) Leader and was utilized to evaluate the students' understanding of organ donation in different facets. The objectives met by the education session were to increase understanding of the organ donation process, how to become a registered organ donor, the understanding of the need for organ donation, and express interest in becoming a registered organ donor. In conclusion, there was an increase in the target population’s knowledge of the organ donation process and an increase in registration as an organ donor

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