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The 1950 meeting of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association took place at Gardner-Webb College in Boiling Springs, NC and Double Springs Baptist Church and Double Shoals Baptist Church in Shelby, NC. For the centennial celebration of the Association a dramatic production, "A Dramatic Narrative of Baptist Progress," was performed by the Gardner-Webb College Dramatics Department. The program was directed by Ben C. Fisher; the minute book contains details regarding cast, acts, and production notes. The committee on Christian Literature asked for a renewed effort in dispensing christian publications. The General Board reported the gift of two parcels of land which will be used to build a missionary parsonage and church purposes. The committee on Public Morals suggested that the association assist the State Department of Education in teaching Alcohol Education courses in our region.
Circa Date
1950, October 19
Double Springs Baptist Church
NC Baptists, Baptist History, association centennial anniversary, Gardner-Webb University, theatre
Arts and Humanities | Christian Denominations and Sects | Christianity | History | Religion
Recommended Citation
Kings Mountain Baptist Association Collection, Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, 1950. Series 1, Box 5, University Archives, Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, NC.