The Gilchrist letters are a series of correspondence surrounding Thomas Gilchrist, a Scot-Merchant based out of Virginia and North Carolina in the latter half of the 18th century. Letters highlight both trade and interpersonal relations between the British Isles, the American colonies, and the Caribbean, as conducted by upper middle-class merchant families. These letters are concentrated in the time surrounding the American Revolutionary War, and there are several passages involving or referencing those events.
The Martin Family Papers and the Gilchrist Letters share common letter correspondents and reference the same individuals. Of note is Thomas Edgar, the uncle Thomas Gilchrist an extended relation to the Martin Family.
This collection is part of the Cleveland County Historical Collection under ownership of Cleveland County and managed by the Earl Scruggs Center. Contact the Earl Scruggs Center at or 704-487-6233 for questions regarding the collection.
1767, May 6 - Thomas Edgar
Thomas Edgar
Letter to James Hynd about selling property and travel to Barbados.
1771, October 20 - Thomas Gilchrist
Thomas Gilchrist
Letter to Thomas Edgar discussing delayed travel, wine and Virginia Ham shipments, and estate matters. Letter mentions Mr. Gibson and Thomas Harrison.
1772, January 6 - Thomas Harrison
Thomas Harrison
Letter to Thomas Edgar, uncle of Thomas Gilchrist, about a shipment of wine and details regarding the shipment delay.
1773, December 18th - Thomas Gilchrist
Thomas Gilchrist
Letter to Thomas Edgar recounting the death of Gilchrist's brother in Norfolk, VA. Issues with settling his brother's estate have delayed a return business trip to England for trade. Letter references Dr. Gilchrist, Dr. Campbell, and Mr. Gibson.
1774, December 23 - Thomas Gilchrist
Thomas Gilchrist
Letter to Thomas Edgar regarding developments of Gilchrist's late brother's estate, continued struggles to receive payment from Dr. Campbell, and reports of the Boston Massacre.
1775, June 3 - Thomas Gilchrist
Thomas Gilchrist
Letter to Thomas Edgar regarding business travel and the impending American Revolution - referred to Gilchrist as a Civil War. The letter details Gilchrist's attempts to secure money from associate Dr. Campbell after the death of Gilchrist's brother.
1775, Aug 30 - Thomas Gilchrist
Thomas Gilchrist
Letter to uncle, Thomas Edgar, about the American Colonies and preparations for war.
1819, May - W. Brown
W. Brown
Letter by W. Brown to an unknown recipient. Brown came to the Americas to investigate Thomas Gilchrist and the Gilchrist family.
1825, October 15 - c/o Edward Gilchrist
Letter from and unknown correspondent to a Mrs. Gilchrist. The letter was sent in care of (c/o) an Edward Gilchrist. The letter writer may be a relation of the Gilchrist, Edgar, or Martin families still living in Dumfries, Scotland. The letter references reaching out to family descendants living the the United States and offering them a means to an education and/or life in Scotland.