Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

Committee Chair

Danny West


Pastoral identity development is a necessity in today's pastoral context. Clarity on one's emerging pastoral identity creates authenticity in pastors to fulfill their pastoral duties. Pastoral identity development is an ongoing process. This project studied how Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) developed pastoral identity in Level I CPE students at Duke University Hospital. The project used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to gather and analyze data. The project found that pastoral identity is a combination of multiple components namely call, perception, skills, community, and experience.


Pastoral identity development is a necessity in today's pastoral context. Clarity on one's emerging pastoral identity creates authenticity in pastors to fulfill their pastoral duties. Pastoral identity development is an ongoing process. This project studied how Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) developed pastoral identity in Level I CPE students at Duke University Hospital. The project used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to gather and analyze data. The project found that pastoral identity is a combination of multiple components namely call, perception, skills, community, and experience.
