"A Reintroduction of Sabbath as a Biblical Practice for the Spiritual F" by Jeremiah Vance Childers

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

Committee Chair

Sophia Steibel


Inman First Baptist Church received Sabbath as a biblical practice through a three-stage project. The project is adapted from James Brian Smith’s components for spiritual transformation. A control group received the first stage through narrative teaching in a Sabbath Study. An experimental group received the first stage, along with second (Sabbath practices) and third stages (Sabbath discussion). The thesis stated, “Members who received all three stages of the experiment would have a higher appreciation of Sabbath for Spiritual Formation.” The study measured appreciation of Sabbath through a Sabbath Survey. The evaluation of the quantitative and qualitative data indicated that the experimental group’s rise of Sabbath appreciation was greater than the control group’s.

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Religion Commons
