"Soul as Sanctuary: Awareness of God Alone and Assembled at Freedom Ali" by Paulleatha Bruce

Date of Award

Fall 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

Committee Chair

Robert Canoy


A Christian practicum was established at Freedom Alive Church of Greenville in Greenville, South Carolina to examine and to promote the depth of influence and impact awareness of God in self, in daily living practices, and in the world at-large have on the congregants’ engagement and participation in corporate worship. Utilizing Scripture and the employment of solitude, meditation, prayer, and worship as spiritual practices, congregants from the generations of Silent, Baby Boomer, Xer, and Millennial were enlisted to participate in a six-week study. Upon the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data, it was revealed that congregants’ exposure to the integration of awareness of God in the creative act, awareness of God in the Incarnation, and the spiritual disciplines of solitude, meditation, prayer, and worship resulted in noteworthy changes in the control group’s and project participants’ ability to discern and be sensitive to the presence of God that positively impacted their engagement and participation in corporate worship.

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