"Integral Missions: A Framework For Developing a Missional Community En" by Paul Christopher Gash

Date of Award

Fall 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

Committee Chair

Terry Casino


The Church is called to be passionate about leading the cause of being influential, inspirational, and impactful in the community that she is housed. God has commissioned all believers to embark the grand opportunity of effectively engaging the community through integral missions. The formation of this ministry project was born out of various studies that was researched that revealed a high degree of poverty that exists within the community where New Ellis Chapel Baptist Church is located. Additionally, during the development of this project, COVID-19 has plagued the world and caused an increase in mental health, emotional instability, financial constraints, and the lack of basic needs for many families. As the pastor of New Ellis Chapel Baptist Church, I felt called to aid in the enhancement of the community’s quality of life. Jesus mandated his disciples to declare, “repentance and forgiveness of sins (Luke 24:47 NRSV)” and to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39 NRSV). To meet both biblical imperatives, this project sought to develop a strategic plan that meets the holistic human needs. In this project, integral missions refers to the church’s commitment to help anyone bring his or her entire being under the reign and rule of God so that the person will experience abundant life, holistically, in Christ. Shalom. For New Ellis Chapel Baptist Church to be a light of hope as it strives to meet the holistic needs of those who live, work, play, and worship in the Holly Oak Park area, an efficient community engagement framework was formed, implemented, and evaluated. This doctoral project aimed to demonstrate that for the New Ellis Chapel Baptist Church to engage the community functionally and effectively, the path forward is through integral missions.

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