Series 4 includes several published biographies of Thomas Dixon. Subseries A. contains Lee B. Weathers’ biography of Dixon titled Thomas Dixon: North Carolina’s Most Colorful Character of His Generation. Weather’s biography of Dixon is a 15 page pamphlet detailing Dixon’s life and literary career and is largely based on a series of interviews Weathers conducted with Thomas and Madelyn Dixon. The subseries also includes two typed manuscript versions of Weather’s text, one of which was written just prior to Dixon’s death in 1945. Both manuscripts contain handwritten editing notations. Subseries B. contains two biographical and literary analyses of Dixon. Both documents are photo copies of original texts, it is unknown who and when they were added to the collection. The Greatest Play of the South, by Durant Da Pont, was published in the Tennessee Studies in Literature in 1957. Thomas Dixon, Jr, by J. W. Bailey, was published in the Library of Southern Literature in 1907.
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