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For-credit information literacy instruction is starting to gain momentum is in academic libraries. In this session, presenters will provide an overview of their library’s for-credit online research skills course for non-traditional students. They will identify student learning barriers, describe qualitative measures used to improve the course over time, and discuss long-range tools and objectives.


Presented at The Innovative Library Classroom 2016.

Recommended Resources

Zoom Video Conferencing infographic creator

Northeastern Illinois University Library Tutorials Toolkit

Cresswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publishing.

Dirkson, J. (2016). Design for how people learn (second edition). New Riders Publishing.

Krug, S. (2014). Don’t make me think, revisited: A common sense approach to web usability. New Riders Publishing.

Urdan, T.C. (2010). Statistics in plain English (third edition). New York, NY: Routledge.
