"Lay it All on the Line: The Effect of Teacher-Student Conferencing in " by Natalie Ostrander

Date of Award

Summer 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jim Palermo


Increasing math achievement continues to be a commonly talked about subject in the educational setting. This case study observes one classroom teacher who implemented teacher-student conferencing in middle grades mathematics classes. The purpose of this study was to reveal the perceived impact of teacher-student conferencing on student engagement and with student achievement. Through a qualitative approach, perceptual data were collected through teacher journaling, conference logs, observations, and an interview. Research occurred in one school district in southeastern North Carolina with middle grades students in sixth and eighth grades. After the qualitative data were collected by me, data were analyzed using predetermined codes and Dedoose data analysis software. The results revealed that teacher-student conferencing influences both student engagement and student achievement. The teacher participant noted positive benefits as a result of conferencing with students.

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