"Examining School Administrator Perceptions of Preparational Experience" by Jared S. Jones

Date of Award

Fall 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Lesa Widener


The purpose of this mixed methods study was to determine what preparational experiences are necessary for assistant principals to effectively transition to the principalship. Fifteen principals completed a 21-item survey and answered seven interview questions to better understand how the North Carolina Standards for School Executives aligned with the daily tasks and responsibilities of school principals. The data also gathered principals’ leadership perceptions, the impact of preparational experiences, and assistant principal preparation. Results from the study concluded that all seven primary North Carolina Standards for School Executives accurately reflected and aligned with the tasks and responsibilities that school principals encountered on a regular basis. Additionally, principals felt their preparational experiences as assistant principals directly related to their ability to lead as novice principals. Principals concluded that collaboration with colleagues and meaningful professional development played a valuable role in their success as school administrators. While the standards in which principals felt confident leading varied, they concluded that all seven standards are critical components of a successful leadership experience. Assistant principals should receive professional development on all seven standards that includes collaboration and experiential learning components to ensure a successful transition to the principalship.

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