"A Program Evaluation of the Impact of the Positive Behavioral Interven" by Brittany M. Ray

Date of Award

Fall 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Danny Stedman


This dissertation was designed to observe the impact of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) on a large urban high school. This study attempted to answer the following question: Is the School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) program an effective model to meaningfully decrease student misbehavior and disruptions in a large urban high school as determined by the number of office discipline referrals (ODRs), in-school suspension (ISS) reports, out-of-school suspension (OSS) reports, and truancy reports? What are the differences in disciplinary data from the 2014-2015 to 2016-2017 school years? Overall, the study examined SWPBIS to determine if it is an effective model to reduce student misbehaviors in the high school.

This program evaluation used a quantitative approach in collecting and analyzing data. Two instruments were used to provide the data. Data was collected from the North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey (NCTWCS) and a survey created by the researcher for teachers. Additional data was collected from the North Carolina Department of School Instruction, PowerSchool, and the PBIS School Evaluation Tool (SET). The data was collected to examine the impact of PBIS on a large urban high school.

Due to several limitations in the study, the researcher was able to identify flaws within the study to provide other researchers with recommendations for future studies. According to the research presented, the PBIS program can be a strong catalyst for positive change in student behavior along with several interventions; however, teacher buy-in should also be a factor in this process. Using the data presented, the researcher suggested that both the school administration and faculty review all of the data to see the program’s effects in all aspects. The researcher also suggests that the discipline clerk needs to be properly trained on coding data and this training should be consistent amongst all discipline clerks. Also, consistency in the position would also help as mentioned above, however, this is never guaranteed or controlled.

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