"Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Students: Evaluating Public High Sc" by Brian C. Johnson

Date of Award

Summer 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Stephen Laws


The purpose of this quantitative study was threefold: first, to measure high school principal preparedness to meet the increased mental health needs of students; second, to determine principal perceptions of mental health frameworks and needs; and third, to assist with creating a better understanding of what high school principals may need to meet the mental health concerns of their students. The study was completed using a survey titled Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Students: High School Principal Survey. The survey was designed from the Project Cal-Well Statewide Principals Survey Template utilized in California. Additional survey questions were created to assist with measuring the research’s connection to social cognitive theory. Through this study, a total of 14 of 32 public high school principals from five counties located in central and eastern North Carolina responded to the survey. Three themes emerged from the survey results: (a) High school principals need additional training and professional development to meet the mental health needs of their students; (b) there is a need for expansion of mental health supports and resources within schools; and (c) high school principals could benefit from the establishment of mental health frameworks from their school districts.

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