"Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN): A Mixed Meth" by Leslie Queen

Date of Award

Summer 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Hamilton


The accreditation process allows programs to complete the reflection process of program evaluation, where they assess and measure themselves via preset standards and suggested outcomes. The theoretical framework of Getzels and Guba (1957) was used to determine if the people within the nonprofit organization studied could successfully fulfill the predetermined expectations of the organization. This study also examined the value of program evaluation, explained the process used by schools of nursing that wish to seek national accreditation, investigated the benefits and strengths of attaining accreditation, and uncovered possible barriers that may hinder accreditation efforts. By exploring these topics, conclusions were reached to answer why the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) should be used to assess, revise, and strengthen the organization’s nursing programs, how the ACEN accreditation process works, and potential barriers to the process. It will also provide insight and perspectives for colleges that aspire to have their nursing schools accredited by ACEN by highlighting data from a mixed methods study that reveals the readiness and willingness of stakeholders to begin the ACEN accreditation process.

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