"Standards, Evaluations, and Preparations: A Case Study of the Percepti" by Melanie Louise Sigmon-Vaughn

Date of Award

Summer 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Larry Putnam


This qualitative case study explored the perceptions of new principals regarding their ability to fulfill the nine requirements of the South Carolina Program for Assisting, Evaluating, and Developing Principal Performance. The findings revealed that novice administrators believed they were effective at implementing the nine principles and that a district program for new principals may assist them. Although novice principals were concerned about effective administration and school-community interactions, they felt most prepared in the areas of vision and interpersonal skills. In spite of their conviction that their principal preparation programs were beneficial, the study's novice principals emphasized an area of need related to the internship experience. There is a need for improved professional learning in the areas of district-specific policies and procedures, school/community interactions, critical needs analysis, social and emotional learning, and transformational leadership, as indicated by the findings. Utilizing the findings of the study, a district can build a leadership academy for new school administrators. To boost the success of new leaders, it is advised that regional school districts create stronger collaborative partnerships with institutions of higher education.

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