"Organization or Idea: Addressing Member Recruitment and Retention With" by Brenna McCormick

Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffery Hamilton


This study aimed to determine the cause(s) of decreased recruitment and retention within the Southern State pageant delegation. The mixed methodology explanatory sequential design was used to conduct the research. A quantitative survey was conducted first to identify perceptions of past, present, and potential members of the Southern State delegation regarding recruitment and retention practices. Based on data results from the survey, qualitative interviews were conducted. In addition, an analysis of available organizational documents was conducted in relation to the collected quantitative data. Findings suggest that recruitment and retention within the organization are declining due to a lack of a strategic plan and effective communication practices. While this research study focused solely on the Southern State pageant organization, identifying barriers to recruitment and retention for organizations and possible solutions to combat them have broader implications. Specifically, organizations similar to pageantry organizations such as competitive gymnastics and cheerleading can glean insight into their own recruitment and retention practices through the results of this study. In addition, all organizations can benefit from the strategic planning recommendations outlined in the proposed action plan.

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