"Exploring the Perceptions and Behaviors of Parental Involvement of Par" by Tiffani M. Richardson

Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jennifer Putnam


Some of the benefits of parental involvement in schools are increased attendance rates, better communication between parents and teachers, and positive effects on academics (Duman et al., 2018, Hornby & Lafaele, 2011). Knowing parent and teacher perceptions and behaviors of parental involvement in different contexts provides the data needed to structure programs, policies, and activities that are tailored to the needs of the school. This study is a mixed methods explanatory sequential study that used Likert scale questionnaires and group interviews to explore the perceptions of parental involvement of teachers and parents in four Title I schools. Based on this study, there was a statistically significant difference in parental involvement perceptions between teachers in the district identified as low-performing Title I schools compared to teachers teaching in Title I schools not identified as low-performing. Based on group interview discussions, parents with students in both Title I and district-identified low-performing Title I schools perceived communication with school and teachers is needed to keep them informed and provide them with information to be involved at home and at school.

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