Date of Award

Fall 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Mary Beth Roth


Literacy is the foundation for individual success and economic independence. Early literacy development is an area of importance; thus, professional learning in early literacy is critical and significant. This study examined the impact of a collaborative professional learning model in early literacy on teacher knowledge, actions, and efficacy and how learning transfer resulted in changes to instructional practices. The study utilized an explanatory sequential mixed methods design. Data were collected from participants in a specific collaborative professional learning model, the Early Literacy Professional Development (ELPD) model. Quantitative data were collected through surveys to identify professional learning topics perceived as having an impact on theoretical knowledge, collaborative features from the professional learning experience perceived as having an impact on teaching practices, and the relationship between the professional learning and teacher self-efficacy. Qualitative data were collected to examine how instructional practices were influenced by these topics and how collaborative features of professional learning affected learning transfer and impacted practices. Findings indicated close observation as formative assessment and the reciprocity of reading and writing as topics impacting theoretical understanding of early literacy acquisition. Changed instructional practices were identified from these topics: varied grouping, responsiveness, reciprocity, and strategy instruction. Discussions and conversations, shared teaching demonstrations, and teacher leader support through coaching and modeling were collaborative features perceived as impacting practices. Conversations, authentic experiences with students, and shared teaching demonstrations were collaborative features affecting the transfer of learning. The findings showed a correlation between the professional learning and self-efficacy, resulting in a statistically significant relationship.

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