"Understanding Preservice Teacher Self-Efficacy Toward Science and Scie" by Bradley T. Rhew

Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jennifer Putnam


Preservice educators are required to enroll in multiple methods courses to prepare them to effectively teach content to students. With the increase of online teacher preparation programs, methods courses are also being offered virtually. This study sought to investigate the overall attitudes, beliefs, and preparedness of candidates after completing an online science methods course. A mixed methods study was conducted to gain insight into these topics. The case study was conducted at a small, southern, private university to better understand the self-efficacy of undergraduate elementary education candidates who completed an online methods course. The study also investigated the instructor’s perceptions of the preparedness of the online science methods course. The study expanded into their student teaching experience to see if their attitudes and self-efficacy changed once they were in the classroom. The research showed that candidates felt prepared to teach science but still felt they needed additional support and resources to teach science effectively. Student teachers shared experiences and frustrations of trying to implement what they had learned in their methods course in their student teaching placements. The study ended with offering recommendations on how to continue to improve online science methods courses to make sure all candidates are prepared to have an impact on student success in science.

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