"Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and the Beginning Teacher: An Investigati" by Lisa D. McCullough

Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jennifer Putnam


With the changing faces of America’s public school classrooms, colleges and universities that are responsible for the preparation of quality teachers will need to ensure that these future educators are equipped with the knowledge and ability to address the learning needs of students of color. This study was designed to examine how North Carolina teacher education programs prepare preservice teachers and beginning teachers with knowledge of culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP). Using a sequential explanatory mixed-methods approach, beginning teacher (n=25) perceptual data were collected and analyzed utilizing a predeveloped survey instrument followed by a focus group in order to further describe the perceptual data. The findings from this research showed that in order to develop culturally relevant pedagogues from within, North Carolina teacher education programs must (a) develop cohesive collegiate curricula that is built upon the components of CRP, (b) provide continuous support with CRP throughout the critical years of the teaching profession, and (c) develop teaching candidate community immersion programs to promote the deeper understanding of the impact of cultural funds on the education of students of color. Teacher education programs that are willing to work collaboratively with other universities across the state of North Carolina have the opportunity to support the development of culturally relevant pedagogues. Through carefully crafted programs, teacher education programs can ensure the development of teachers who are prepared to meet the needs of all children, including students of color.

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