"An Examination of Readiness for Response to Intervention Implementatio" by Carla Murray

Date of Award

Fall 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Bruce Boyles


In 2015, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Exceptional Children Division proposed policy changes, effective July 1, 2020, on how students with specific learning disabilities are defined, evaluated, and identified. A student in North Carolina is now identified for special education through the use of how they respond to high-quality core instruction and research-based instruction. This study examined this process in a rural school district in North Carolina to determine how schools can support educators who do not have the appropriate background knowledge and skills to sustain MTSS, how educator perceptions influence the sustainability of MTSS, and what can be done to change the perceptions of teachers for MTSS to be successful. The findings of this study were that more training is needed district-wide in the key components of MTSS. The assessments showed inconsistencies among the perceptions and beliefs that participants had about MTSS. Recommendations included consistent and supportive professional development provided by the state for each staff member to see an increase in academic achievement among all students.

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