Date of Award

Fall 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Sara Newell


One of the most predominant measures of a community’s appeal is the high school graduation rate. National “best places to live” ratings utilize educational statistics to rank the quality of life in a community (Morse & Brooks, 2020). Additionally, an individual’s future prospects depend on a high school credential (HSC) as the minimum needed for postsecondary academics or gainful employment. One hindrance high school equivalency (HSE) students encounter is the inability to perform math sufficiently to earn an HSC due to the affective state of math anxiety and reduced math self-efficacy, particularly under pressure on tests/assessments. This quantitative study, using a stepwise process in multiple regression data analysis, identified a statistically significant relationship exists between an HSE student’s math self-efficacy level and their math performance. The data analysis used the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale 30-item (Suinn & Winston, 2003), Math Self-Efficacy Survey (Nielsen & Moore, 2003), and math performance data, along with participant demographic data, and determined there exists no difference in levels of math anxiety or math self-efficacy among the different age, gender, or race/ethnicity groups participating in the study.

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