"Teacher Perceptions of the Social Emotional Support Offered and Receiv" by Mindy Duckworth

Date of Award

Fall 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jennifer Putnam


This study determined teacher perspectives of the social emotional learning (SEL) support offered and received following the return to school during a global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. The study is important, not only to those who returned during the global pandemic or because states are requiring districts to think of the whole child but for educational leaders who are understanding the importance of delivering SEL for the purpose of educational growth. The research questions were answered through the lens of a mixed methods design through a combination of survey items and the results of the focus group. The findings indicated that teacher SEL was supported by the educational leaders and colleagues and that, in turn, teachers supported their students’ SEL. The provision of SEL support begins with educational leaders first supporting adults. The goal of the study was to evaluate teacher perspectives of SEL given and received during the pandemic caused by COVID-19.

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