"A Program Evaluation: Implementing a Dual Language Immersion Program" by Jennifer Hall

Date of Award

Fall 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Stephen Laws


The research study evaluated the implementation of a kindergarten Spanish dual language immersion program (DLI) using Stufflebeam’s (2003) context, input, process, and product (CIPP) model of program evaluation. The study aimed to determine specific strategies to best implement a learning initiative not just in a stable year but also in a time of duress such as COVID-19. Interviews with the superintendent, chief academic officer, director of global studies, principal, teacher, and teacher assistant and head of household surveys informed the following research questions.

  1. Context: What factors were considered when the district implemented the DLI program?
  2. Input: What specific resources were needed to implement the DLI classroom?
  3. Process: What strategies were employed to initiate the DLI with kindergarten students?
  4. Product: How effective was the implementation of the DLI classroom during the initial year?
  5. Crisis Leadership: How does a school district program implement change during a crisis?

District administration, teachers, and heads of households agreed that the implementation was successful. All stakeholders emphasized the goals for the program were met, which included student growth toward biliteracy, bilingualism, and cultural appreciation. Stakeholder perceptions of the first year were positive, expressing an overall benefit for the students. District administration and teachers highlighted academic data growth. Implications for improvement include strengthening communication, monitoring and feedback, authentic resources, and professional learning.

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