"A Correlational Study of Teacher Self-Efficacy and Culturally Responsi" by LaShaunda Plain-Mamon

Date of Award

Fall 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jennifer Putnam


The Every Student Succeeds Act (2015) focuses on equity and mandates high academic standards for all students. The achievement of diverse students is significantly below their counterparts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between culturally responsive teaching (CRT) and teacher self-efficacy (TSE). Additional research focused on teacher perspectives regarding their self-efficacy around CRT practices and how their experiences with CRT can be described. Quantitative data were analyzed independently and then merged to test the theory of a correlation between culturally responsive teaching techniques (CRTT) and TSE. Qualitative data were analyzed, coded, and then collapsed into themes. The analysis identified statically significant positive relationships between TSE and professional growth, student engagement and instructional strategies, student engagement and classroom management, and instructional strategies and classroom management. When identifying the importance of TSE, primary themes included confidence, modifying and individualizing lessons, and having high expectations and a growth mindset. Participants described education, their cultural background, experience, and knowledge prepared them for CRT. Participants also acknowledged they were not prepared for CRT. Participants described their experience with CRT as having respect and awareness of cultures. In addition, respondents had no experience with CRT. Participants described awareness and understanding of different cultures, intentional lesson planning, and instruction as essential components of CRT. Last, when explaining their use of CRT, respondents described intentional lesson planning using diverse materials and having respect and an awareness of different cultures.

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