""For Me, For Us, For Them": The Impact of Wise Feedback on Ninth Grade" by Mary L. Newton

Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Sara Newell


Feedback from teachers is critical for student academic success, but is all feedback created equal? Within this critical participatory action research study, a teacher and her students in ninth-grade English language arts (ELA) classes in a suburban high school endeavored to transform their mindsets and practices related to giving, receiving, and implementing feedback through a culturally responsive approach known as wise feedback. Through effective, targeted feedback of wise feedback, all students can build their self-efficacy by knowing how to improve their work through the guidance and support of their teachers. Building teacher self-efficacy in providing wise feedback was critical to the implementation of wise feedback. During the nine-week research study, the convergent mixed methods critical participatory action research study collected quantitative data through surveys from me and my students related to self-efficacy in addition to qualitative data related to my perspectives of providing wise feedback through weekly journal reflections. Findings from the study revealed positive and negative impacts on students’ and my self-efficacy over time. My perceptions of providing wise feedback also revealed positive and negative impacts. Ultimately, the impacts of wise feedback were positive on students and me and our self-efficacy increased. Additionally, a potentially negative transition to high school was mitigated by establishing a positive teacher student relationship and fostering an environment of hope prior to providing wise feedback to facilitate increased student engagement.

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