"Developing Effective Professional Learning Communities at Target Eleme" by Bianca S. White-Jeffries

Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Morgan Blanton


This explanatory design was used to develop and implement effective Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at Target Elementary School (TES). The theoretical framework for this study began with the assumption that there was a direct link between PLCs, student data, and self-efficacy of educator collaboration. It should be the goal of every educator to provide a quality education for each student. When educators collaborate to provide success in each classroom, various goals can be met within each site. Several instruments were used to develop and implement professional collaboration. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected to determine the effectiveness of the current PLCs. TES staff members were participants in the study. Data were collected through an initial survey and an open-ended questionnaire in order to triangulate the data to ensure validity and reliability. The information was analyzed using the explanatory methods design where quantitative data are collected through the survey and qualitative data are collected through an open-ended questionnaire to qualitatively present all data collected. These data were used to describe behaviors or views of a large group. Based on this study, PLCs are being implemented at TES. Based on teacher perceptions, PLCs are held regularly and appear to be effective. Based on the outcomes of the Professional Learning Communities Assessment-Revised (PLCA-R) and the PLC Questionnaire, some slight changes will increase student achievement data and the overall success of the school.

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