"Teacher Perception of Synchronous Hybrid Learning in a Rural Elementar" by Lisa LaMonica Moore

Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Benjamin Williams


The purpose of this qualitative research was to gain understanding from teachers regarding their experiences with providing instruction in a synchronous hybrid learning environment in a rural elementary school during the 2020-2021 school year. This study reveals the role of teacher perception in education, the evolution of technology as an instructional tool, defines synchronous hybrid learning, and describes how it is evolving at the elementary school level. Through the investigation of this study, five teachers assigned to the same rural elementary school participated in a semi-structured interview to discuss their experiences teaching in a synchronous hybrid learning environment. The participants shared their experiences during three interview phases and ensured validation in the content by reviewing the integrity of the interpretation of their responses. During the interviews, I submitted to bracketing to set aside personal experiences and attitudes while the phenomenon was being investigated (Husserl, 1970). Mezirow’s (1997) transformative learning theory was the theoretical framework chosen to investigate the relationship between teacher perceptions of trends in education and their perceived success in providing adequate instruction to their students. During the duration of the recorded interviews, notes were taken and responses were transcribed. Themes were generated from the analysis of significant statements to develop textural and structural descriptions of the participants’ experiences with the use of MAXQDA Analytics Pro software (Creswell & Poth, 2018). Results from this study revealed that the participants perceived their ability to provide adequate instruction in a synchronous hybrid learning environment to be difficult due to limited internet access throughout the district, lack of professional development and training on how to provide distance learning instruction, and insufficient support from the home environment. The study discussed the transformation of technology as a learning resource used to supplement hands-on activities to the use of technology as the primary mode of lesson development, instructional delivery, and student interaction. Participants stressed the importance for adult stakeholders to be trained in aiding with student learning and providing structure in the distance learning environment. Furthermore, participants shared the need for hiring additional employees dedicated to providing instruction solely to distance learners and troubleshooting technical issues to minimize distractions from face-to-face learners.

This study informs school leaders of teacher perceptions of synchronous hybrid learning in a rural elementary school. The findings guide educational leaders in planning and redesigning instructional strategies used in synchronous hybrid learning to increase teacher efficacy and student success. The information discovered in the study provides a framework for district leaders, administrators, and instructional coaches to follow when supporting teachers with the tools they need to be successful. For effective implementation of synchronous hybrid learning, teachers must be equipped with adequate training and resources. Likewise, students must be provided equitable learning opportunities despite their learning environment. Addressing the needs of educators providing synchronous hybrid learning instruction allows stakeholders to reflect upon the current state of instruction in relation to student success.

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