Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey P. Peal


This dissertation was designed to examine the effects of the HELPS Program on the oral reading fluency and accuracy rates of third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students as compared to students who received regular classroom instruction only. The study was conducted in a school district in northwestern North Carolina. The students in this study scored below benchmark on a Reading 3D End of Year Assessment and were nonproficient on the North Carolina end-of-grade reading test. As fluency is tied to reading comprehension, it is important that students have sufficient fluency and accuracy skills to read grade-level texts.

The study used Reading 3D Beginning of Year, Middle of Year, and End of Year Assessments as well as comments from a teacher focus group and random student interviews. Mean fluency and accuracy rates were compared between the control group and intervention group, males and females, and third through fifth graders at each assessment period throughout the year.

A repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's post hoc along with simple effects were used in this study. The data from these analyses revealed little difference between the mean fluency and accuracy scores of the control groups verses the intervention groups.

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