"M&Ms: Mentors and Mentees" by Melody B. Johnson

Date of Award

Fall 2022

Document Type

Consultancy Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Elizabeth Jones


This project focused on the challenge of meeting the needs of at-risk students in an elementary school setting. In response to the literature, we designed and implemented a school-based mentoring program. This project examined whether a face-to-face mentoring program in this school with these students could meet three goals: provide students regular contact with a caring adult, increase student confidence in themselves or their environments, and reduce behavior infractions. These students, ranging from kindergarten to fifth grade, were identified for social-emotional and/or behavior issues by their teachers, administration, or guidance counselor. School employees served as the pool for mentors, and mentors received training. The pairs met regularly during the school day to establish a trusting relationship. They talked, ate lunch, played games, and/or engaged in other activities. A mixed methods research design was used to collect data. The study found that the program positively impacted mentees in relation to confidence, attitude, intrapersonal skills, interpersonal abilities, and behavior. Furthermore, this study aimed to inform effective strategies for improvement of the program moving forward.

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Education Commons
