"Volume 02, Number 09 (September 1884)" by Theodore Presser



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Table of Contents

On the Use of the Pedal

Course in Harmony

Graded List of Popular Music


Chats with Pupils on What is it to be Musical?

Artist Concerts in Colleges, Etc.

How to Use the Metronome

Not a Musical Critic

Shall Lessons Missed Not Be Paid For?

John Field and His Habits

Piano Technic: The Formation of the Hand

Oberlin Conservatory of Music

How to Proceed in the Lesson Hour


Some Commonplaces of Piano-Forte Teaching: The Pedal

Growth of Piano Playing

Publication Date



Theodore Presser Company


Lynchburg, VA


American College of Musicians, Music Teachers' National Association, E.M. Bowman, Committee of Award


Composition | Ethnomusicology | Fine Arts | History | Liturgy and Worship | Music | Music Education | Musicology | Music Pedagogy | Music Performance | Music Practice | Music Theory


Monthly departmental articles (e.g. Violin Questions, Band and Orchestra Department, etc.) have been omitted from the Table of Contents as well as monthly miscellany (e.g. World of Music, New Records, etc.). For a detailed index of articles, see Dr. Pam Dennis’s An Index to Articles Published in The Etude Magazine, 1883-1957 Part 1 and Part 2 (published by A-R Editions and the Music Library Association). An index to the musical scores included in each issue may be found in Dr. Douglas Bomberger’s An Index to Music Published in The Etude Magazine, 1883–1957 (also published by the Music Library Association).

Volume 02, Number 09 (September 1884)
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