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Table of Contents

Art of Clarity in Pianoforte Playing (interview with Harold Samuel)

Teaching the Adult Beginner

Counting for Balky Pupils

How to Teach the Notes on the Grand Staff Beginning with Middle C

Don't Hurry! The Tortoise Won

Music-Sharing Plan

Leschetizky Memorial Dedicated

Interesting Ways of Giving Harmony Examination

How Kullak Taught Octaves

When to Practice Each Hand Alone

Practice Audiences

Good Equipment Necessary for Good Instruction

Schubert the Modernist

Young Student's Measure

Relative Minors

Beethoven's Piano Sonatas and How to Play Them

Musical Postcards


Character Study of George Frederic Handel

Last Lesson First

Golden Age of Music: Henry T. Finck's Autobiography

Matter of Language

All Scales by the Same Route

Swimming Coach's Instructions as Applied to Piano Practice

Music's Frailty

Pianist's Daily Dozen

Kaleidoscopic Tempi

Cyril Scott

Habits That Refresh

Musician Holds His Court

Concentration Drill

Musical Voyage Down the Volga

Scales by Tetrachords

Is Liszt Found Mistaken?

Things to Do

First Things First

Our Heritage—The Indian

Showing the Pupil the Benefit of Stretching Exercises

Publication Date



Theodore Presser Company


Lynchburg, VA


Christmas issue, Christmas music, Beethoven, Handel, public school music


Composition | Ethnomusicology | Music | Music Education | Musicology | Music Pedagogy | Music Performance | Music Practice | Music Theory


Monthly departmental articles (e.g. Violin Questions, Band and Orchestra Department, etc.) have been omitted from the Table of Contents as well as monthly miscellany (e.g. World of Music, New Records, etc.). For a detailed index of articles, see Dr. Pam Dennis’s An Index to Articles Published in The Etude Magazine, 1883-1957 Part 1 and Part 2 (published by A-R Editions and the Music Library Association). An index to the musical scores included in each issue may be found in Dr. Douglas Bomberger’s An Index to Music Published in The Etude Magazine, 1883–1957 (also published by the Music Library Association).

Volume 44, Number 12 (December 1926)
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