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Table of Contents

George Bernard Shaw Talks on Modern Music: Europe's Most Famous Writer and Music Critic Discusses Many Interesting Things in the Shavian Fashion

How Well Do You Know Your MacDowell?

Humorous Situations in Wagner Music Drama Performances

Music Teachers National Association

Musical Jargon of the Radio Clarified: A Popular Interpretation of Technical Terms Heard Daily Over the Radio, Part 18

Visit to Musical Oxford

Impression by Repetition

Christmas Eve in Bach's Church

Sparks from the Musical Anvil

Very First Lessons at the Keyboard

Message of Music

Requirements of the Radio Singer

Unusual Crayon Portrait of Brahms

Brahms as I Knew Him

Childrens' Christmas Recital

From Liszt to Einstein: Reminiscences of Notable Figures in the Musical World

Piano Dentistry

Postage Stamps and Music

Rhythm Ratio

Rapid Calculation

Rhythm Instruments and Rhythm

To Cure the Habit of Hurrying

Sing, Then Play

Remembering Definitions

Chord Relationship

That Finishing Touch

Not too Much First

Correcting a Mistake

Etude Recital

Publication Date



Theodore Presser Company


Lynchburg, VA


Christmas issue, Christmas music, radio, church music, British music, Oxford


Composition | Ethnomusicology | Music | Music Education | Musicology | Music Pedagogy | Music Performance | Music Practice | Music Theory


Monthly departmental articles (e.g. Violin Questions, Band and Orchestra Department, etc.) have been omitted from the Table of Contents as well as monthly miscellany (e.g. World of Music, New Records, etc.). For a detailed index of articles, see Dr. Pam Dennis’s An Index to Articles Published in The Etude Magazine, 1883-1957 Part 1 and Part 2 (published by A-R Editions and the Music Library Association). An index to the musical scores included in each issue may be found in Dr. Douglas Bomberger’s An Index to Music Published in The Etude Magazine, 1883–1957 (also published by the Music Library Association).

Volume 49, Number 12 (December 1931)
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