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Table of Contents

Chord Analysis

Self-Expression in Piano Study (interview with Max Pauer)

Music of the People in Russian Masterpieces (interview with Modeste Altschuler)

Developing a Child's Taste for Music

Parental Opposition to the Musical Career

Secrets of Artistic Phrasing

Handel the Autocrat

Developing Patience in Music Teaching

Spohr on Beethoven as a Conductor

Pianoforte Music by Some of the Modern Russian Composers

When Criticism is Justified

Problem of the Left Hand

Etude Master Study Page—The Real Schubert

Success in Class Teaching: How to Conduct Special Classes in Musical Subjects

What the Teacher Should Memorize

How Some Famous Musical Pieces Got Their Names

Self-Study of Important Thought Habits in Piano Playing

Remedy for Inactive Wrists

Some Curiosities of Musical Terminology

Schubert's Moment Musical in F Minor

Selecting a Teacher

Joy I Found in My Fiddle

Wagner's Wonderful Versatility

What is Classical Music?

Warming up Practice

Singing After Eating

Publication Date



Theodore Presser Company


Lynchburg, VA


Modeste Altschuler, Hugo Riemann, University of Leipsic, Russian music, Russian composer, Schubert


Composition | Ethnomusicology | Fine Arts | History | Liturgy and Worship | Music | Music Education | Musicology | Music Pedagogy | Music Performance | Music Practice | Music Theory


Monthly departmental articles (e.g. Violin Questions, Band and Orchestra Department, etc.) have been omitted from the Table of Contents as well as monthly miscellany (e.g. World of Music, New Records, etc.). For a detailed index of articles, see Dr. Pam Dennis’s An Index to Articles Published in The Etude Magazine, 1883-1957 Part 1 and Part 2 (published by A-R Editions and the Music Library Association). An index to the musical scores included in each issue may be found in Dr. Douglas Bomberger’s An Index to Music Published in The Etude Magazine, 1883–1957 (also published by the Music Library Association).

Volume 31, Number 04 (April 1913)
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