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Table of Contents

When Christmas Comes (poem)

Handbells—Ancient Art Revived

Sing Ho for Christmas

I Learned To Sing By Accident (interview with Mario Lanza)

Swing Into Your Tone

Don’t Plan To Be a Conductor! (interview with Ernest Ansermet)

Why Do We Call Them Carols?: Songs of Christmas Link Today with the Ancient Past

It's the Same Old Claque: Then and Now—New York or Paris—

Relax and Improvise! (interview with Grace Castagnetta)

Concerning Spiccato, Sautille Arpeggios and Articifial Harmonics

Does Your Band Play in Tune?

What Is Your Vocal Problem?

Organ Practice and How To Get It

Master Lesson On the Sarabande and Bourrées from Bach's English Suite No. 2 in A Minor

Can You Name These Musicians?

Publication Date



Theodore Presser Company


Lynchburg, VA


Christmas issue, Giorgione, Cardinal Fesch, National Gallery of Art, Kress Collection


Composition | Ethnomusicology | Fine Arts | History | Liturgy and Worship | Music | Music Education | Musicology | Music Pedagogy | Music Performance | Music Practice | Music Theory


Monthly departmental articles (e.g. Violin Questions, Band and Orchestra Department, etc.) have been omitted from the Table of Contents as well as monthly miscellany (e.g. World of Music, New Records, etc.). For a detailed index of articles, see Dr. Pam Dennis’s An Index to Articles Published in The Etude Magazine, 1883-1957 Part 1 and Part 2 (published by A-R Editions and the Music Library Association). An index to the musical scores included in each issue may be found in Dr. Douglas Bomberger’s An Index to Music Published in The Etude Magazine, 1883–1957 (also published by the Music Library Association).

Volume 67, Number 12 (December 1949)
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