Christ is the Answer Revival
First Baptist Church Shelby
Document for the Christ is the Answer Revival held at First Baptist Church Shelby, featuring evangelist Paul Brooks Leath.
Know Christ or No Christ Revival
First Baptist Church Shelby
Revival schedule featuring guest preacher Dr. Nolan P. Howington.
Revival Flyer
First Baptist Church Shelby
Revival schedule at First Baptist Church Shelby. Participants include preacher J.C. Mitchell, pianist Roland Leath, song leader Van Ramsey, and organist Jane Martin.
The Shelby Daily Star July 27, 1977 Crusade for Christ
Joe DePriest
Article about the James Robison's crusade.
Crusade for Christ and Church Schedule July 24, 1977
First Baptist Church Shelby
Schedule for the James Robison crusade, sponsored by First Baptist Church Shelby.
Crusade for Christ and Church Schedule July 31, 1977
First Baptist Church Shelby
Schedule for the James Robison crusade, sponsored by First Baptist Church Shelby.
The Shelby Daily Star July 26, 1977 Crusade for Christ
Michael Goforth
Article about the James Robison's crusade.
News Clipping - Crusade for Christ 1977
Article about the upcoming James Robison crusade and revival events in the area.
The Shelby Daily Star July 25, 1977 Crusade for Christ
Article about the attendance for the first revival in James Robison's crusade.
Revival June 1-8, 1975
First Baptist Church Shelby
Program for the 1975 revival featuring evangelist Vincent Cervera. Includes a biography of Cervera.
The Informer - Come Alive Revival - May 28, 1975
First Baptist Church Shelby
The Informer featuring the 1975 revival featuring evangelist Vincent Cervera.
George W. Truett Revival June 20, 1943
First Baptist Church Shelby
Church bulletin that contains a message from George W. Truett for the upcoming dedicatory services.
Photograph - George W. Truett - 1942
Photograph of Geroge Truett and wife. Description on back reads: "Dr. + Mrs. George Truett Boarding train in Gastonia after a revival meeting held with First Baptist of Shelby. Held in Shelby armory each evening."
Newspaper - The Charlotte Observer - Sept. 25, 1940
Article about George W. Truett's speaking engagements.
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