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The 1869 meeting of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association took place at Double Springs Church (present day: Double Springs Baptist Church) in Shelby, NC. The introductory sermon was delivered by Elder George W. Rollins and the circular letter authored by G. M. Webb. The association elected to suspend the practice of writing circular letters. The Committee on Periodicals recommends that associational member subscribe to the Working Christian, published by Elder T. R. Gaines of Yorkville, SC, in addition to the Biblical Recorder. The Committee on Missions reports that the association has "done nothing for domestic or foreign missions" and credits the situation to the financial situation of associational churches as a result of the Civil War.

Circa Date

1869, September 24


Double Springs Baptist Church


Double Springs Church, Double Springs Baptist Church, Shelby, NC, Cleveland County, NC, Baptist History, NC Baptists, George W. Rollins, G. M. Webb, circular letter, Working Christian, T. R. Gains, Yorkville, SC, Committee on Missions, domestic missions, foreign missions


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1869 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association
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