"Aerosol Spacers with Asthma Inhalers: Best Practice for School Health " by Casey Page

Date of Award

Summer 2021

Document Type

Project – Full Written

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Candice Rome


Healthcare providers do not have adequate knowledge regarding the use of aerosol spacers and asthma inhalers. Inappropriate use of asthma inhalers may lead to poor medication distribution in the lungs and poor asthma control. The utilization of aerosol spacers with asthma inhalers is shown to increase medication distribution to the lungs. Asthma is the number one chronic condition seen by school health nurses. An online learning module was created for school health nurses to reiterate the best practice use of aerosol spacers with asthma inhalers. After completion of the online learning module, school health nurses answered nine questions on an agreement Likert scale survey. Fifty school health nurses stated they gained new knowledge regarding asthma, asthma pathophysiology, and the use of an aerosol spacer with a bronchodilator/rescue inhaler. Participants also agreed they were confident in suggesting the use of and explaining the rationale behind the benefits of a spacer to students, families, and practitioners. The nurses reported recognizing the value of utilizing an aerosol spacer and stated they would promote the use of a spacer when they encountered a student with asthma.

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