"Enhancing Learning and Self-Efficacy with Virtual Simulation" by Lawone J. Lane

Date of Award

Summer 2021

Document Type

Project – Manuscript

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Ashley Isaac-Dockery


Background Evidence is lacking for support in the use of virtual simulation as a viable alternative for experiential learning and enhancing satisfaction, self-efficacy, and learning.

Problem Virtual simulation activities can provide opportunities for nursing students outside of clinical sites. In prelicensure nursing education, how does the development of a virtual simulation compare to traditional nursing education and does virtual simulation enhance student satisfaction, self-efficacy, and learning?

Approach A non-experimental descriptive design was used to examine attitudes of prelicensure nursing students related to perceived satisfaction, self-efficacy, and learning following a virtual simulation in place of a clinical site experience.

Outcomes Nursing students indicated a moderately high perception of self-efficacy and a high degree of satisfaction with learning using a virtual simulation activity. Self-confidence with learning was slightly above average.

Conclusions Outcomes support virtual simulation as a desirable option for learning and contributes to nursing knowledge regarding use of alternative methods to enhance satisfaction and self-confidence in learning.

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