Date of Award

Summer 2020

Document Type

Project – Manuscript

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Tracy Arnold



The purpose of this project was to equip senior practical nursing students (n = 11) with the skills needed to increase their feelings of preparedness to join an intradisciplinary team in the workplace after graduation. This project utilized a pre-test/post-test design using TeamSTEPPS® Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T-TAQ) to determine if participation in TeamSTEPPS® training and a simulation exercise enhanced perception of teamwork in senior practical nursing students. A paired t-test was performed to analyze the data collected from the questionnaires acquired before and after the TeamSTEPPS® training. The results showed a t-value of 8.49, greater than the critical t-value of 2.23, demonstrating a significant difference in the before and the after training questionnaire results, confirmed by p < .001, showing high significance. The results of the project showed an increase in the T-TAQ scores after the training, demonstrating and enhancement of the students’ perception of teamwork.

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