"The Impact of Mindful Breathing on Stress of Employees Working from Ho" by Lindsey Goldberg

Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type

Project – Manuscript

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Anna Hamrick


This DNP project was designed to decrease stress among employees working from home (WFH) by educating them on mindful breathing practices. Through the implementation of a mindful breathing activity, the intended project outcome was to improve stress levels of employees working from their homes. Mindful breathing is an evidence-based strategy that has demonstrated decreased stress levels. Mindful breathing was implemented among two companies employing an estimate of 170 WFH employees to improve health and well-being with potential long-term positive impact on sustainability of organizations in the post-COVID, work from home environment. The participants were invited to perform 8-minutes of daily mindful breathing for two weeks. Project impact was measured utilizing a pre/post-survey evaluating their stress levels before and after the mindful breathing activity. Results identified moderate to high levels of stress in work from home employees at baseline and post-intervention. Additional research is indicated to increase sample size. In conclusion, implementing a mindfulness breathing technique may impact the organizations positively by decreasing the stress of the employees working from home.

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