"Enhancing the Accuracy and Effectiveness of the National Institute of " by Emily Nicole Addington

Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type

Project – Full Written

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Tracy Arnold


A rural facility in the foothills of North Carolina found a need for process improvement regarding the emergency department and completion of the NIHSS. The DNP student and the Stroke Coordinator along with the Quality Improvement Coordinator agreed with the need for education of staff concerning accurate assessment and documentation of the NIHSS. The DNP project implemented additional training for the emergency department nurses and paramedics in the form of face-to-face classes with a PowerPoint. A pre-and post-survey was conducted to gauge the comfort level of staff with the NIHSS and stroke processes of the rural emergency department. The Stroke Coordinator collected data to assess the effectiveness of the DNP project. Results showed that completion of admission NIHSS charting increased from 63% to 80% after implementing the education for completion of admission NIHSS. Resources were given to the Stroke Coordinator to continue education of rural emergency department staff.

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