"Improving the Mental Health and Wellness of Middle School Educators Po" by April Pearson

Date of Award

Summer 2022

Document Type

Project – Full Written

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Gayle Casterline


U.S. public school teachers of all educational levels were challenged during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide education to students in alternative ways; face-to-face, hybrid model, or remote learning. This resulted in teacher stress, dissatisfaction, and turnover. Locally, after the 2020-2021 school year at East Iredell Middle School, 9 out of 22 educators resigned or transferred due to the stress and fatigue of teaching students in a hybrid model during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this project was to promote the health and wellness of middle school educators. The PICOT statement is, what is the effect of an educational program on self-care modalities for middle school teachers on teacher satisfaction, stress, and retention. The sampling frame was 25 full-time teachers. A five-week program was developed offering nutrition, meditation, journaling, Zumba, yoga, and aromatherapy education. According to the pre-survey, 69% of teachers felt stressed fairly often or very often compared to 44% in the post-survey. Teachers reported a better understanding of self-care modalities, plan to use journaling, meditation, aromatherapy, and select healthier foods and snacks in the future.

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