"Getting the MOST from M.O.S.T.: Promoting MOST Education for Palliativ" by Shelby Mood

Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type

Project – Full Written

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Yvonne Smith


Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) forms are relatively new in medicine. These forms help patients and providers navigate some of the difficult decisions that can occur near the end of life and in palliative care. Each state has its own version of POLST forms. In the state this DNP project was implemented, this form is called Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment, or MOST form. Given the complexities of medical decisions, patients may not always understand the options covered in the MOST form or the implied tasks with each choice. To further patient understanding of the MOST form, this DNP project developed an educational brochure that provided in-person education to providers within a multi-county palliative care organization.to palliative care patients covering the sections in the MOST form. Post implementation results showed significant positive responses and attitudes to the educational sessions. Providers also overwhelmingly noted the potential benefit of having an accessible, clear educational resource to offer patients and families.

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