"Evaluating Chain-of-Command Self-Efficacy Through High Fidelity, Stude" by Michelle McEwen-Campbell

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Committee Chair

Candice Rome


The purpose of this quasi-experimental capstone project was to evaluate the impact of high fidelity, student-directed, obstetrical simulation upon chain-of-command self-efficacy of baccalaureate nursing students. The convenience sample, composed of 48 junior nursing students, was randomly divided into four simulation groups, and then further randomly divided into active or observational status. Active participants planned interventions and participated in high fidelity obstetrical simulations related to patient safety and chain-of-command initiation. Active and observational students participated in a combined debriefing session. A pretest posttest design utilizing the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) was utilized to measure chain-of-command self-efficacy in relation to both active and observational roles. Study results indicated active and observational roles are equivocal regarding chain-of-command self-efficacy in high fidelity, student-directed, obstetrical simulation.

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